

Wherever there is a reliable, fast Internet Connection, wireless or static, even in Outback VK, You may be able to remotely control Your Amateur Radio Station.

Whether it's drones, underwater unmanned vehicles (UUV), robotics of all kinds, robotic army tanks for example, satellites, space craft, radar systems or you name it, Remote Control has been for a long time now and always will be an ever increasing part of our lives. Remote Control and Virtual Reality enables us to see and interact from various perspectives. It's a new Frontier. An example is 'Surgical Theatre,' which saves lives. I think that RC and VR will replace the majority of Armed Forces Personnel from interacting within Hostile Environments. Wars will increasingly be fought from a distance. As we extend our reach into the Universe, remotely controlling equipment in space will become ever more common and vital. Thanks to the people who have developed the Internet, Remotely Controlling and Operating Amateur Radio Stations Worldwide is a reality nowadays too. My Remotely Controlled Amateur Radio Station is located on our property, out in the middle of nowhere in the South Australian Bush, about 10 miles or so from the nearest town and about 100 miles away from home, from where the Radios are Remotely Controlled. The Radio Station is Unattended, Solar Powered and turned on remotely when about to operate and then turned off again remotely when closing down. Other wise, if left on all the time, the battery would become depleted. A 5G Wireless Internet Connection is used now between the property and the town and a Fibre Optic Cable Internet Connection between home and the town.

Hopefully the information here may help You to achieve Remote Control of Your Amateur Radio Station too.

As an alternative to remotely controlling your own AR station, you can pay money online to remotely operate Amateur Radio stations

via the Internet which are located mostly in the USA. All the work has been done for You. If interested, Click on this website link  RemoteHamRadio.  It opens in a new window.


I have used the remote control system called 'Remote Rig'. If you are using a point to point connection from home computer to remote radio, this system will work ok. However, if wanting to use a wifi connection to the radio, the setting up, in my opinion, is too difficult because of the CGN problem and port forwarding requirements.

I am now using the 'Remote Tx' system which I highly recommend as it uses a 'Remote Internet Cloud' method of operating. In other words, the remote radio internet connection to the home computer connects via 'this Internet cloud.' A 'Raspberry Pi' is used at the radio end too. A fellow VK2 Ham recommended this to me. His name is Mark but unfortunately I can't remember his call. In my case this enables me to control my radios using a wifi connection. Even though two radios are shown below, most installations only need one. One of the important aspects of this 'Remote Tx' system, is that it's simply laid out and easy to use. The Amateur Radio Operator and owner whose handle is 'Marcus,' is very responsive and helpful in setting up the system with you.

Click on the image below to go to the ' Remote Tx ' website. It will open in a new window.



      Raspberry Pi




To view this location, click 'Taron.' To view a $100 remotely controlled camera here, click 'Camera.'





 Click Below.